Homework Policy
Click here to access the Los Alamitos Unified School District's Board Policies on Homework.
Middle School Board Policy Excerpt:
At the middle school grades, homework should primarily consist of reading, practice and application of key skills and concepts across subject areas, application of writing skills, preparation for future classes and beginning research. At this level, homework should continue to build independent study habits.
When teachers choose to assign homework, students might reasonably be expected
to devote the following amounts of undistracted, focused time to nightly homework, including time devoted to long-term projects and test review:
Grade 6 = 0-60* minutes per night average M-Th
Grade 7 = 0-70* minutes per night average M-Th
Grade 8 = 0-80* minutes per night average M-Th
*Nightly minutes are inclusive of all classes as a combined total.
Students who elect to take a high school course during their eighth-grade year would be under homework guidelines for high school grades.