Independent Study for Vacations

Parent Independent Study Reminders:

  • Please give a 10 day notice prior to your planned trip to Mrs. Brown in the front office.
  • Your child needs to miss a minimum of 5 school days to make the contract valid.
  • If your child isn’t able to return to school on the said contract return date please call Mrs. Brown at 562-799-4740 ext. 76106
  • We will assist in putting together your Math, Language Arts, History and Science work. Your student is responsible for all other classes and speaking with those teachers.

Student Independent Study Reminders:

  • During your leave you are welcome to email your teachers if you have any questions
  • Part of the Independent Study Program is turning in the homework on the day you return to school.
  • Make sure all items are printed and ready to be turned in.
  • On your first day of returning to school please turn in all assigned work to Mr. Rheaume in room 18 before the end of the day.

Information Specific to Physical Education Requirements:

An absence in PE due to a school-sponsored activity (such as a rehearsal or field trip) as well as independent study (absent 5 or more days that are pre-arranged with the office staff) is excused (NA). It does not count towards or against your grade in PE.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call:

Mrs. Brown/Attendance Clerk
562/799-4740 Ext. 76106