PTA Committees
Executive Committee – Chair Responsibilities
Astronomy Night: Coordinate with 8th Grade Science teacher to schedule facilities for the event and to publicize the event to 8th grade families (usually in the fall). Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds for the event.
Box Tops/GC/e-scripts/School Cents: Update the Oak PTA gifting accounts and encourage Oak families to update their information with these accounts so that gifts come to Oak PTA. Ensure that information on how to update information is provided to families and interested community members. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds for Paw-Passes awards.
Career Day: Provide morning refreshments for Career Day speakers and other assistance that the School Counselor requests. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds for the event.
Hospitality: Coordinate and set up refreshments for the monthly Association meeting, and PTA Executive Committee Roundtable. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds. FIlls in as lead for other social events when committee chair is not available.
HSA Honorary Service Awards: Follow the California State PTA Honorary Service Award guidelines for identifying recipients for any or all of the following recognitions: Honorary Service Award, Continuing Service Award, Golden Oak Service Award, Administrator Award, Teacher Award and/or Very Special Persons Award (check for guidelines). Seek donations to the HSA Program. Serve as chair of the HSA selection committee and encourage PTA membership to submit suggestions for honorees. Maintain accurate records (for recipients, district, and council) of all awards issued. Make arrangements for honorees and their families to attend the LAUSD Council HSA Breakfast. Responsibilities for the Oak HSA recognition include: arranging for presentation of awards; coordinating with the PTA President and/or selection committee to streamline the recognition script; and ordering awards six weeks in advance.
Lion Pride Kick-Off: Work with school administrator to secure vendors for informal Meet ’n Greet event. Ensure vendor documents required in the LAUSD Facilities Use requirements are provided by the vendors. Encourage and provide space for Oak related groups to set up tables for the event (including and not limited to): PTA Reflections, PTA Membership, PTA Spirit Wear, Oak Choir, and Oak Instrumental Music.
Lion Pride Student Awards Events: Organize luncheon events throughout the year for the Lion Pride Student Awards. Supply food and set-up the space for the event in coordination with the principal (or other administer). Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds for the event.
Paw Prints (Copy Center) Coordinator: Set-up a system for teachers to have copies made by volunteers. Organize and train volunteers to make copies, keep the copy/work room area tidy, and facilitate paper recycling. Communicate with Oak staff on what supplies need to be reordered soon.
Pi Day: Promote the event. Secure pies and their distribution. Ensure that pie tins are returned and tin deposit money goes to the PTA. Communicate with the Volunteer Spot coordinator for event volunteers. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds for the event.
Red Ribbon Week: Coordinate with ASB to publicize and bring about awareness of Red Ribbon Week, and its message. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds for the event.
Reflections: Publicize and encourage participation the PTA Arts program. Collect all entries and ensure that they are not damaged while under unit/council care; Arrange for judging of entries; Forward winning entries to the LAUSD Council Reflection Chair by designated date. Follow the protocol identified in Toolkit and accordance with deadlines identified by Los Alamitos Council of PTAs (and Fourth District PTA). Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds.
Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week & Back to School Lunch & Holiday Luncheon: Plan and organize special theme days and breakfasts/luncheon for the Oak teachers and staff during Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week. Present the Executive Board with theme and schedule of the week’s events. Work with Volunteer Spot coordinator to secure foods items and volunteers. Seek feedback from the Executive Board prior to plan implementation. Decorate the lounge for the Week. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds.
School Pictures: Ensure that volunteers are on hand for the two designated school picture days. (Note: School Picture funds are currently going to the Scholarship Club.) Provide support for the 8th grade panorama picture.
Veteran’s Day Event: Coordinate with principal to identify and organize a school wide event that honors veterans. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds.
Volunteer (Spot) Coordinator: Develop, distribute and collect a volunteer query sheet to identify volunteers with special interests and/or skills. Use the Volunteer Spot software to solicit volunteers for school events. Serve as a “go to” contact for school staff for securing volunteers. Communication with committee chairs to ensure that requests for volunteers go to the oak community in a time appropriate manner.
WEB Coordinator: Provide water and refreshments for the WEB training day, and for the WEB Day. Be in communication with the WEB Day advisor for food and volunteer needs. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds.
8th Grade Activities: Ensure that PTA protocol (see insurance guidelines) are being followed for 8th grade promotion activities (CSULB Party and Knott's trip). Organize the CSULB Party. Follow PTA procedures to release and to request budgeted funds.
8th Grade Awards Night: Communicate with 8th Grade families to bring water and cookies for the 8th Grade Awards Night. Ensure that enough volunteers are on hand to set-up and take down the refreshment table. Provide help to school administrators in sitting up and tearing down for the event.